CallTimer v 1.0
This application was written to time calls. Since we are a small helpdesk, and we didn't
any idea of how long a call took, I created a small server-client application that could
the time spent on each line (each set could take 4 lines).
First of all I have to say that a number of things are hardcoded :
- the directory of the BMP's
- the IP address of the server
Second, the language used is Dutch.
To say it in general, it's an application written for a very specific situation, but I
have that much time to adapt it to a general version.
I used SocketWrench to connect over IP, which
is a very easy control to use. You can download
it freely.
To use the client, simply click the buttons, or press the number keys. Each line is
by pressing it's corresponding number. To pause, simply press '0' (zero).
The server app is a simple monitor to watch which lines on which set are taken.
Remember, before the client and the server can work together, you need to change the IP-
address in the client. You can use the client stand-alone if you want to.
I've included the VB runtime DLL in case you don't have VB installed.
If you need any help, you can always e-mail me at
or check my website at
Click here to download the client ...
Click here to download the server ...
This application is a simple replacement for the Windows Control Panel. At our company the desktops of the users are restricted, so Control Panel doesn't show in the Start Menu. Because some settings had to be set individually, we had to find a solution.
WATCOntrol solves this problem. Actually, it's nothing more but a simple registry editing tool that retrieves keys and writes them back. You can have control over printers, currencies, screensavers (although there's still a minor bug on that part, but it works !) etc.
To approach the registry, I didn't use the standard VB methods, but I used a nifty shareware-control, called SimpleRegistry Control 2.0, made by 4Developers.
Of course, the control itself is included in the ZIP file.
If you need any assistance at all to change the code or if you need to know any explanations, just write me at
Click here to download WATCOntrol without the VB runtime DLL's.
Click here to download WATCOntrol with the VB runtime DLL's.